Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ethan: A simple dictinoary

Ethan is learning new words almost daily, and for those of you who wish to communicate with our 19 month old, here is a handy sample dictionary that will make things a little easier.

"AAAH" - an exclamation meaning "Hey, look at me!", "Hey! I need food!", "Hey! get off my foot!"

"Bah!" - Typically shouted, which is why there is the exclamation point. Normally means "Ball", but can also mean "orange", "apple", or other round thing.

"Ball!" - Ball. Sometimes he actually pronounces the "L" sound.

"BEAR!" = Teddy Bear, with capitals and exclamation point. This word is only used with extreme excitement.

"Buzz" - Buzz lightyear.

"Car"- Anything with 4 or more wheels. He points out every car when we are on the highway. Can get really old really fast.

"Coo-coo" - Cookie.

"Coo!" - Cookie.

"Cook!" - Cookie.

"Cookie!" - Cookie.

"Cow" - Cow. However, can also mean pig, sheep, horse, or woman wearing a black and white fur coat. That was hilarious. We were in Wal-Mart and he pointed at this woman and said, quite loudly, "MOOO! Cow!"

"Daddy" - Me. This is one of my favorite words.

"Doggy" - pronounced "goggy". Means dog. Duh.

"Drink" - cup of water, juice, or milk. Doesn't matter, they are all interchangeble.

"Elmo" - The one word EVERY kid knows.

"Funt" - Elephant. Or Rhino. Or dinosaur. Or semi. Size is the key defining factor in this word. Elephantness doesn't seem to factor in.

"Fire" - Chicago Fire. Or Pacifier. He is a pacifier connoisseur, using different colors and sizes for different needs. Sometimes he carries two or three at a time, switching between them every few minutes.

"Gangyou" - Thank you. Adorable.

"Go!" - This is an invitation to run either by himself or with others.

"Hi" - Hi.

"Juice" - orange juice.

"Kitty" - Kitty. Or dog. Or bear. Whatever happens to be nearby and furry.

"Mine" - This is a recent addition, one that is quickly becoming his favorite.

"Mommy" - Mom. There are times he wants mom and times he wants is nice that he can let us know these things.

"No!" - He knows how to say this word, but doesn't seem to want to listen when we say it.

"Peas!" - Please. He only uses this when he really wants something. Normally it is "Peas! Cookie! Peas! Coo-coo!"

"Roar!" - Roar. He says this whenever he sees a dinosaur. Lots of fun while we were in the Evolving Planet exhibit at the Field Museum. Basically a solid hour of "Roar!"

"Sorry" - Sorry.

"Teef!" - Teeth. He loves playing with his toothbrush, and several times a day he will yell "Teef!" and run to the bathroom.

I am sure that tehrare others, but they are escaping me now. I'll update as he adds words.

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